Hey there!
We have a new episode today, plus a few links we wanted to share (scroll down for those). Curtis has often mentioned his love of award-winning books, so today we’re taking a deep dive into our reading logs and TBR lists to recommend award-nominated or award-winning books. In today’s episode, we’re discussing various literary awards, sharing some of our favorite award-winning books, and taking a look at some of this year’s big nominations.
To find a list of every title we mention in today’s episode, go to hereadsheread.org/podcast for show notes.
We’ve been listening to lots of great audiobooks lately, and many of the titles we mention in today’s episode are GREAT on audio, too! Get two audiobooks for the price of one w/code HRSR: https://libro.fm/redeem/hrsr (or file that code away for a gift idea as we approach the holiday season).
Shop some of our all-time favorite books here.

A few links for extra reading:
Chelsey gets tons of romance recommendations from the NPR romance column and adored one of the books mentioned in the most recent installment.
If, like Chelsey, you tend to avoid series, these recommendations might suit you.
This is an interesting history of books like Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys.
Lots of Curtis-ish books on this list.
Happy reading, friends!