Hey friends,
We’re just plugging along here at He Read She Read. Curtis’ deployment is feeling especially deployment-y, and while Chelsey is enjoying new challenges at work, she’s feeling antsy for the change in seasons. Reading is still hit-or-miss most weeks, but we’re excited to discuss our next buddy read soon. Let’s all cheer Curtis on as he attempts to finish it in a couple of days!

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Almost finished with (and loving): Waiting for a Scot Like You by Eva Leigh - I told Curtis that he’d like this one! A gruff and grumbly ex-soldier accompanies a sassy widow on her epic road trip.
Currently listening to: Alone At Dawn by Dan Schilling & Lori Longfritz on Libro.fm (Thanks for the ALC!) “The New York Times bestselling true account of John Chapman, Medal of Honor recipient and Special Ops Combat Controller, and his heroic one-man stand during the Afghan War, as he sacrificed his life to save the lives of twenty-three comrades-in-arms.”
Chelsey: Emma (2020)
Curtis: Hard Knocks: Los Angeles
Chelsey: This is Lake Street Drive playlist
Curtis: Taylor Swift "folklore"
Reading Update
Chelsey: Reading? I don’t know her.
Curtis: I found three unread audiobooks in our Libro.fm app the other day. I guess that means it’s time to get in the listening habit again.
Get ready for a teacher shortage like we’ve never seen before.
Your guide to low fantasy vs. high fantasy.
How to vote in the 2020 election, a state-by-state graphic guide.
Coming up
Next week, we’re discussing The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin, one of Chelsey’s favorite books of the summer. If you’d like to get in touch with us, feel free to reach out via Instagram or email us at hereadshereadpodcast@gmail.com.
Happy reading, and have a great week!